July 8, 1978
"While reading John 17 today, I was overcome with a deeper awareness of my share in the life and love of the Trinity. Even though I was tired, I sensed the unplummable depth and mystery of God's inner life. Even more amazingly, I sensed that life in God's Family is being offered to me now. I don't have to wait until I die to share more deeply in it; God gives me the option to live my life in the love of the Trinity while I live on this earth!
"...But how to live in this love more deeply? My ideals soar so high and my actions look to me like wilted weeds lying in the dirt. I find the discrepancy humiliating, discouraging and confusing but I know this is only a reflection of my pride. I need to walk more consciously in the Little Way. Not only aware of my inabilities but rejoicing in them, like Therese says little children do because they know that will get them the attention and help they need from their parents.
"How long, Lord? How much? When? Now? You alone can teach me and lead me. I make you an offering of my grown-up pride. Take it and view it as the 'widow's mite.' It's all I have to give you!
Yesterday at the Carmelite convent, I prayed before the statue of St Therese, asking for her intercession and more insight into putting the Little Way into practice in my life. It seems like the grace of this meditation on John 17 is answer to her intercession...Thank you, dear Lord, for the consolation of your presence, of making me a member of your family, for the intercession of those who love me, even those who have preceded me into heaven. Let me never take the wonderful family I belong to for granted!"
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