September 6, 1981
"Once I can give my primary burden to God, then I can step back and say, 'Lord, how can I help?' Not, 'You gotta help me!!' but 'How can I help you?'
The Lord means to carry the primary burden of saving all those who we are concerned about...Additionally, I cannot give to another person the love which only God can give...It often works out that, by assuming burdens that I'm not meant to assume, I end up putting burdens on the backs of those I'm praying for if they don't respond according to my time frame. Then neither of us is free!
"...Looking at all that has happened to me during these last months, it seems clear that Jesus has been orchestrating it all. My sickness, the brother priests who have tried to help me, my prayer etc have all brought to the fore that, while I was looking for something more grandiose, dramatic and overwhelming, God has been quietly asking me to let Him carry the Cross...of the conversions I desire, of the Society, of my health, my future and on and on.
"How can I live this out?...For example, when I'm engaged in meetings or even dialogues or homilies, especially when I'm feeling opposition (or just imagining it), instead of being serious and wrinkled-browed and pounding things negatively, I could try simply smiling and saying 'Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could do X?'
In view of the fact that Jesus is really here and in charge and carrying the biggest part of my Cross, it is logical to see the lighter side of the situation. That attitude helps put others at ease too.
"In the 2 Standards Exercise, Jesus stands 'in a lowly place, His appearance beautiful and attractive.' He calls His friends and servants to 'attract all to poverty' etc. While Satan uses fear, force, threats and chains. So, in imitation of the Standard I am pledged to follow, I will walk as the Lord walks."
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