Saturday, August 30, 2014

I Began To Meditate On My Own Death

September 22, 1991
Villa Cavaletti

"I began by making Romans 12:1-2 my Evening Prayer:
'I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercy of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.'
"To be transformed by the renewal of my mind, I need to see my sin by the pure grace of God. I doubt  that I've committed mortal sin in my life, one deserving of hell and being eternally cut off from a relationship with God. 
"Yet I'm aware of being a profoundly sinful man in the sense of my egotism. What came to me were Igantius' words in SpEx #189: 'self-love, self-will, self-interest', these are the manifestations of my sin.  Like all sinners, I tend to go along with God just fine until He crosses my will. Then my anger, born of pride, rises up as well as self-pity. I often react the same way to other people too--let them cross me, disrespect me or ignore me and I want to block them out of my life. I remember Jesus saying, 'Even the pagans love those who love them.'
"I find my sin in moments as when Jesus glanced at Peter right after Peter's betrayals.  Since to whom much has been given, much is expected, my hardness of heart and pride is just as bad or worse as those who 'go from one mortal sin to another' (#314) on a grosser level of evil and destruction...
"Began to pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary asking Mary to show me my sin. Since she and her Son are sinless, they know sin best because they know God and live pure love; so they easily see the absurdity, darkness, disorder and tragedy of sin.
"As I prayed the Rosary, I paused to consider the sins manifest in each decade of the Sorrowful Mysteries; from the raining down of blows, insults and spittle on the sinless flesh and heart of Jesus to the 5th Mystery, Jesus' death on the Cross. There it struck me that the heart of sin was the refusal to become seed. ('Unless a seed falls into the ground and dies, it cannot bear fruit...Unless you take up your Cross everyday, you cannot follow Me...') This summarizes our unbelief, pride and obstinate refusal to give ourselves and to lose ourselves in love and let God determine everything...
"Then I began to meditate on my own death. I am moderately afraid of death because it is a large act of faith. Very concrete faith, no room for rhetoric here, handing over my existence to an Invisible Being whom I believe to be there for me. While praying about this, the Lord said to me, 
" 'This will be easier if you practice now by handing more and more of your life over to Me. You tend to stay in a safe zone too much, trying to have it both ways, satisfying both the natural and the supernatural, keeping control and not abandoning yourself in total dependence on Me alone. After practicing more and becoming reassured of my Saving Presence, death will be easier to do.' "

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Pros and Cons of the Society of Jesus

Fr. Tomasek and the Jesuit Superior General
October 1991

Values the Society of Jesus has going for it:
  1. A deep spirituality, tried and proven, praised by the Church and capable of producing saints and zealous apostles for Christ and His Church.
  2. The Spiritual Exercises: While they now belong to the Church, Jesuits are usually the most experienced in them because we make them and direct them so often.
  3. Our Saints:  Doctors, confessors, martyrs, teachers whose lives still inspire us to trace some of the manifold Ignatian paths to sanctity.
  4. Intercessors in heaven praying constantly for God's grace to attend us; members of the Society too numerous to count interceding for those on earth for the last 450 years.
  5. Long and rigorous formation, training and education often forms men of outstanding achievement and service to God, the Church and the culture.
  6. Living with men who, in addition to their faults, are by and large seeking holiness and, therefore, live in a spirit of generosity, fun and companionship.
  7. Existing institutions which are often powerful apostolic instruments: Universities, high schools, institutes, retreat houses, publications, parishes and missions, the outreaches of which are depended on by the Church.
  8. The wide variety of possible apostolates open to individual Jesuits which include education on all levels with all types of populations, spiritual direction, parochial work, missions etc.
Problems the Society of Jesus has going against it:

  1. Defacto full, prompt obedience ot the directives of the Holy Father and the teaching authority of the Church. Often excused as a type of 'loyal opposition' etc but very evident in instances such as the publication/implementation of Humanae Vitae.
  2. Failure to defend Catholic teaching and morals in the face of the secular/intellectual establishment's bias. E.g., Georgetown U's lame justification for an 'abortion club.'
  3. A system of formation and formators who often place subtle pressure and criticism on young Jesuits who manifest robust support for the Holy Father and/or traditional teaching. These men often come to feel diagnosed as 'rigid' or 'inflexible' etc.
  4. Even ordained Jesuits are often subjected to tactics described in #3 by a power structure of provencials/superiors who often tend to operate under a 'gentlemen's agreement' not to rock the boat.

Monday, August 25, 2014

I Am No Longer an Isolated 'I'

Fr. Tomasek at Lake Michigan. 5 weeks before his death.

February 2011
Milwaukee, WI

"What kind of friendship or marriage would we have if we did not enjoy talking with our beloved, sharing what we are experiencing and asking our partner to share what he or she is experiencing? Lovers make phone calls and text each other. They hold each other in their heart, enjoy shared memories and mutual hopes and dreams. They look forward to talking when they get home from work. They do not define themselves as individualists anymore but as a couple, as two persons in a relationship.

"The Lord asks no less of us. He wants to be in an ongoing dialogue with us throughout our days and nights. We tend to compartmentalize our lives and say, 'I pray in the morning and in the evening and the rest of the time I attend to God's will and the people He puts in my life.' But isn't that too artificial? If I love Him, want to thank Him, feel moved to ask His grace and seek His guidance, just want to share and enjoy time with Him, and oftentimes find myself empty and lonely for Him, why should I not keep up a dialogue with Him during the in-between times of my day?

"Then there is the fact that Jesus wants and needs to talk with me. By creating me in His image and likeness, by calling me to faith and companionship with Himself, humbly making Himself my equal in many wants, offering His sufferings for me, sharing His divine glory with me, He is asking me to listen to Him and to follow His lead even when I don't feel like it. Remember that we often don't feel like relating to the Lord. He often seems a bore or a bother and I don't expect anything new or important as a result of this dialogue with Him.

"I don't feel like talking to God because my heart is still selfish and closed in on itself in many ways. Likewise I don't always feel like talking to my spouse or close friend. But, in the end, I must 'act against' this inclination and make the sacrifice of spending time and opening my heart to my beloved. Only gradually is my heart transformed into one of love instead of self-love, self-interest and self-will (Cf: Spiritual Exercises #189).

"Scripture is of course the primary model for the dialogue between God and human beings. When God becomes flesh and has intimate human relationships with men and women, we see examples of how Jesus wants to be part of our everyday lives. But there is also a rich body of Christian literature in which the saints and those who have gone before us engage in a deep and growing mutuality with the Holy Trinity. One thinks of such writings as Augustine's Confessions, Kempis' Imitation of Christ, Catherine of Siena's Dialogue and the Diary of St Faustina. Reading them, one learns the art of carrying on a life-giving dialogue with Jesus in all of our daily activities.

"One spiritual diary I wish to especially recommend is "He and I" by Gabrielle Bossis, written from 1936 to 1950, the year that she died. In it, Gabrielle records what she believes to be Jesus' words to her as the last part of her busy life on earth unfolds. And as she invites us to 'listen in' to Jesus' dialogue with her, we begin to realize that He is speaking to my heart as well. We begin to hear and see things from His divine perspective, to realize His amazing love for me and His desires and direction for my happiness and growth. New areas of my life come alive. I fall in love and burn with a desire to live in God's will. I am no longer an isolated 'I' but have imperceptibly become a 'we' with Him who is my Lord, my Beloved, my Life."

Sunday, August 24, 2014

I Could Try Simply Smiling

September 6, 1981
"Once I can give my primary burden to God, then I can step back and say, 'Lord, how can I help?' Not, 'You gotta help me!!' but 'How can I help you?'
The Lord means to carry the primary burden of saving all those who we are concerned about...Additionally, I cannot give to another person the love which only God can give...It often works out that, by assuming burdens that I'm not meant to assume, I end up putting burdens on the backs of those I'm praying for if they don't respond according to my time frame. Then neither of us is free!

"...Looking at all that has happened to me during these last months, it seems clear that Jesus has been orchestrating it all. My sickness, the brother priests who have tried to help me, my prayer etc have all brought to the fore that, while I was looking for something more grandiose, dramatic and overwhelming, God has been quietly asking me to let Him carry the Cross...of the conversions I desire, of the Society, of my health, my future and on and on.

"How can I live this out?...For example, when I'm engaged in meetings or even dialogues or homilies, especially when I'm feeling opposition (or just imagining it), instead of being serious and wrinkled-browed and pounding things negatively, I could try simply smiling and saying 'Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could do X?'
In view of the fact that Jesus is really here and in charge and carrying the biggest part of my Cross, it is logical to see the lighter side of the situation. That attitude helps put others at ease too.

"In the 2 Standards Exercise, Jesus stands 'in a lowly place, His appearance beautiful and attractive.' He calls His friends and servants to 'attract all to poverty' etc. While Satan uses fear, force, threats and chains. So, in imitation of the Standard I am pledged to follow, I will walk as the Lord walks."

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Don't You Find the Church's Authority Oppressive?

October 28, 1981

"Went out with M.C. for dinner and a movie. During dinner, he asked me if I didn't find authority in the Church oppressive. I explained that the Church is Christ's Spouse and mine, His Mother and mine. Bishops are usually paternal and compassionate and reasonable. Explained that Jesuit (and ecclesial) obedience is, in fact, obedience to Jesus in His representatives. Human success or efficacy is not a reason or criterion for this obedience. Philippians 2 speaks eloquently of emptying/obedience/Cross and Resurrection and its meaning. There is also great security and joy in knowing one is doing God's will by following Church authority.

"M. was grateful and said, 'Well, if you look at it that way, it's not so bad. I've never heard that explanation.' After I got home, I prayed, 'Dear Lord, how many generous young men and women like him have not been taught basic truths of their Faith and Tradition? No wonder we have so few vocations, so many leaving the Church! We've deprived many of their right to hear the Truth. Your sheep and lambs have not been fed. That is why they're fainting by the wayside.'....Ours is the sad world of Ignatius points to in his Incarnation Meditation. And I am part of it, a sinner like the rest. I asked Christ again to come into it...

"Acts 8:20: 'May your silver be lost forever and you with it for thinking that money could buy what God has given for nothing!'
Greatly helped by this verse in prayer as I felt again the futility of any acts of intellect, will or imagination to prevent distractions in prayer. God told me, 'You don't have to do anything to receive this Gift of God, the Holy Spirit. In fact, it would be wrong, perhaps even sinful, to think you can do anything to merit or cause such a gift to be given (type of simony?)

"Rather, rejoice that you are helpless and that you need only receive, only accept it as fact that God now beholds you. You cannot keep your gaze on Him but His gaze on you is steady. Even now, He is about pouring His Spirit into you, whether or not you are aware.."

Monday, August 18, 2014


August 29, 1981
    "Discovered that perhaps one hidden way I use to escape present circumstances offered me by the Lord--like language studies,the last four years teaching high school, my last few months of illness, always moving etc.---is to imagine that all this is a preparation for some greater future work when I will presumably be able to use all this garnered experience and wisdom to be a great help as a preacher or teacher with a large impact.

"It's as if the Lord turned a light on a little secret fantasy I keep in a dark corner. While its true that nothing is lost in the Lord and all seems to secretly build toward some future utilization for His service, I've realized that I've turned this into a fantasy that I'm getting attached to as the 'true reality' that I'm only preparing for through this trackless wandering...

"But this contrary to God's words that declares that eternal life starts now, even and especially in the hidden forms such as Nazareth or the seeming failure of Calvary. No wonder I'm rushing forward, despising the present and stepping on it in order to get to the glorious future...

"In Mt 24:42-51, Jesus wants to find us busy working at whatever task He's entrusted to us. It's not the big and flashy works and success that we might choose. It's the day-in day-out fidelity that He's looking for...

"Have I moved so often and so far because of this kind of ambition for something bigger or greater? Am I lead by the Holy Spirit or my own ambitions? Am I dedicated to God's greater glory but running a deal on the side for myself ?"

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Give Me the Grace I Ask For

August 12, 1980 
Sogang Universtiy,
South Korea

"Meditated on Peter's denial and the Passion of Jesus (Spiritual Ex #292).
Tried to be present simply through my imagination, intellect and will. My prayer is poor and that's a helpful purification in meditating on the Passion. I'd like to have strong reactions like Ignatius did but I react more like one who doesn't really love Jesus. Like Peter, when the moment of truth arrives, I choose myself over Jesus. Yet I am consoled that Jesus is doing this precisely for me, a weak sinner, so that one day I might be able to love and suffer with Him.

"I see His face, smitten and running with dirty spittle. After Communion, I realized that I am feeding off the New Human Being that Jesus forged through His suffering, through obedience, through love. Feeding off His flesh and blood and will, always ordered to the Father's will, now as man was originally created in his full potential, mind, courage, patience and faith. 

"Perhaps Jesus is letting me experience what the apostles did during His Passion. They certainly couldn't take any satisfaction or pride in sharing His passion, as I can't. What He is doing for us is pure gift--taking our sins on Himself without our help or appreciation because He loves us and has promised the Father that He will save us by expiating our sins...

"Underneath all is hope that I can truly become a lover of the Passion, both in deed and in intuition; that I can love to suffer for Christ as did Ignatius; that I can eagerly embrace the humiliations and difficulties of learning and speaking Korean, the crowded buses, bodily sickness and insults.

"Dear Jesus, Thank you. I bless and praise you in weariness and darkness for you are carrying me, so heavy.
Give me the grace I ask for: The grace to love your Passion. I know the conquest of the world for You must begin with the conquest of myself."

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Grace of a Deep Desire

August 7,  1980

"Reflecting on the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple and praying for the grace of a deep desire for and appreciation of the obedience and humility I see there. That is, Mary and Joseph in fulfilling so unquestioningly the Law of Moses; of God who made himself subject to it; of Simeon and Anna...

"Also appreciation for how Divine Providence who orders all things so sweetly when each person does their task in God's will. Because Mary and Joseph did this, they were confirmed and enlightened further in the mystery of their Child. Simeon and Anna's long waiting and prayers too became fruitful and confirmed for them.

"I too feel confirmed in my belief that, if I continue to simply do whatever God seems to require, He will use it to build His loving plan, perhaps for people I'll never know on this earth. Here I am, 2,000 years later, benefiting from the acts of obedience of these people who no doubt saw themselves as no more important in God's universal plan than I do...

"Jesus' submission to parents and life in Nazareth was an act of obedience to his Father, who now had Jesus' heart. In this way, Jesus makes every human and hidden action of mine a potential way of loving and obeying God!"

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Why Do I Pray?

May 25, 1979
Sogang University
Seoul, S. Korea

"For you, Lord, I am writing this journal for you and you can pass it on if you like. I feel the need to incarnate, in actions and words, the dim intentions, intuitions and feelings of my soul. It's like an imperative of nature that I must express (ex prime), press out, into this world what I'm given to perceive of you at the heart of all my experiences.

"This expression, this incarnation, may be of utility to someone else. In any case, it clarifies the particular way you are giving yourself to me in my personality and history and circumstances. These are so much the locus and medium of your self-communication to me that to reject, bypass or undervalue myself is to treat you thus.

"I also see that this expression, as stammering and humiliatingly inadequate utterance as it is of You-in-me, is a purely liberal act of love and praise. It is being overflowing--ex abundantia cordis loquitor.

"The bird sings because it is a bird. Why do I pray?
For others in the Body and my own deeper adhesion to you and reception of your graces, yes. Obedience, yes. But, above and beyond all this, I must pray because of my being me and You being You. The creature must praise and long for his Creator because  that's part of the definition of creaturehood--a dependent, derivative existence.

"As lungs long for air, as eyes for sunsets and ears for the relationship of the creature who longs for the Creator and the Creator who longs for the creature and the beloved who longs for the beloved can only really explain why I pray.

"And then there is playing in praying. Non-pragmatic, actively involved and the hardest to define aspect of prayer. This is the dimension that will survive death and constitute Eternal Life. Well, I suspect this journal too belongs to the category of "play", just ad prayer does. When pragmatic values don't move me, then may I praise you, Lord, by rehearsing and processing in these pages the stuff of your love poured out within me."

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Enough That He Knows

Blessed Mother Grotto that Fr. Tomasek built before leaving home for the Jesuit Novitiate.
October 7, 1978
Feast of the Holy Rosary
Govindpur, Bihar

"Went to the Carmel Convent to say Mass and after that to Govindpur where we were treated to much love, good conversation, whiskey and a delicious barbequed chicken....

"Reminded of my recent meditation on Jesus leaving Mary in Nazareth, in which loving contemplation much sustained by being carried along by the background music of the Hail Mary I wrote...
I saw Jesus and Mary having their last breakfast, very human and detailed. Seeing Mary through Jesus' eyes (the beloved spouse, the true and faithful mother) and Jesus through Mary's eyes (God's Abraham leaving for a new land...her own beloved Son whom she had given, and ever gives, to the Father and to us). Mary wasn't clinging to Him as her own. Hers is a virginal love, universalized to God's whole people: "My mother and my brothers are they who hear the Word of God and keep it." This is her truest beauty and motherhood.

" After writing that song, I feel the old intimacy that I felt with Mary when I built her that grotto in our yard when I was in high school. And through the years, the intimacy of belonging to the family of Mary my Mother and Jesus my Brother and dearest friend and SaviorGod. I felt that 'This is the way it should be.'

..."I often feel it's best not to use words or concepts too much. Just be with Him and Mary in mutual love and understanding that doesn't require articulation or trying to grasp a self-evaluative consciousness while in the act of prayer. It is a union with my Friend that is too hidden and personal to trivialize in words. Enough that He knows. The best mode of consciousness seems to be that of symbols, like the exchange of hearts earlier today.

"Love manifests itself in deeds recurred to me in prayer. That is, the mode of our love must imitate the mode of His (Spiritual Ex: #98, #147, #167, #109). Incarnational identification, self-sacrificing service in truth, in obedience to the Father's will and in imitation of the Lord's creating, compassionate service and love to each person."

Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Sort of Sacrifice They Share Out of Love

Feast of the Triumph of the Cross
September 14, 1979

"Cross/Karam Festival today. A 3 hour affair, I was tired and hungry by Communion time. Having received the Eucharist, I reflected that it is the Lord who has asked me to be tired in fulfilling the duties and desire of obedience and love within the circumstances in which He has placed me. That is, getting up to pray this morning at 4:45, this long ceremony with my Adivasi brothers and sisters and Jesuits, not knowing the language are all expressions of our love, if I allow them to be.

"It's like if a dear friend wants to talk half the night or a husband and wife spend half the night loving each other, the tiredness the next day is sweet because it is part of, or an expression of, the friendship and love; a sort of a sacrifice they share out of love. Now the Lord has kept me up and tired me out. So I become happy and consoled when I realize this and share it with Him.

"The eyes without faith see this only has time lost and become impatient, self-pitying. But I see that all that happens is the Lord's meeting me, asking me to say 'Yes' to His mysterious love, even though I don't understand why that Love takes the form it does or where it is leading. My 'yes' echoes that of Abraham and Mary and all who have known His sweet secret love and design. And so rejoice to share this with You, my Everything, my Father, Son and Holy Spirit!"

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Stunned By Love I Will Share Someday

August 30, 1979

"I can see that the devil often uses my good intentions (desire for union with God) against me. So often, everything seems like a test...will I pass performance in class, in prayer, in friendships etc...instead of simply not being anxious about the future, like Christ asks me to be.

"My desire is really to love the Trinity for their own sake. Because all I have and hope for is from them and they are so lovable...I feel closer to Jesus in the circumstance I'm living in now because I need Him more. When I don't feel the love of others for me, only Jesus can fill that emptiness ...

"Then that love draws me more into delight in the Trinity, especially the consoling fact that they are even now creating me and drawing me into their life...Stunned by their eternal love, which I will share some day please God! Endless love and bliss as they reveal themselves to me ever more fully!

"It makes this world pale in comparison to so great a destiny; makes me willing to pay any price in this passing life for so great a God. Each tiny suffering of body, mind and spirit becomes a precious gift I can give Him. Offering myself as a child..."

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Rightful Freedom

August 5, 1991
Vatican City

"Praying on Galations 3 (second reading of Common of BVM in Off of Readings), it struck me that one of Satan's ploys in getting Luther to seize on justification by faith alone to the detriment of works is to get the Church herself out of balance. In recoiling from Luther's emphasis, I think the Catholic faithful haven't fully appreciated the Gift, the free Gift, of salvation we have in Christ. Through simple faith in Him and not in anything we have done.

"People are hungry for their rightful freedom from the Law of Death ('I can't be one with God until I never sin again.') and for their place as His beloved children.  It's not a case of either faith or works, of course, that's a false dichotomy.

"I too need a constant bathing, baptism in this liberating truth. We must preach this truth of a personal encounter with Jesus through repentance. The Charismatic Renewal has this powerful gift to offer but it is the rightful patrimony of every Catholic. **God's perfect agape casts out all fear because nothing can separate us from Him who has given His own Son for our ransom.**

The prayers of the Mass, beginning with the Collect and moving through the Canon and Communion, verily shouted a confirmation of the grace I received this morning...His free gift of forgiveness, salvation and sonship.  I take it as a special gift from Mary on her feastday today !

"It also crossed my mind after Communion that this could be a thesis topic: The relative effects on spirituality, prayer and faith life of a life lived in the lively awareness of the gratuitousness of God's saving love as opposed to a more 'I've got to do this' approach. Peter sinking after taking his eyes off Christ in today's Gospel is a good example of this."

Monday, August 4, 2014

Come Close

June 19, 1990
Prague, Czechoslovakia

"Special grace at prayer time today. I went to the park with my Bible, feeling a bit unworthy of God and saying to Him in my heart, 'You see how I keep trying to be faithful to you despite my weaknesses and failures. Please say something to me now that I need to hear.'

Then I asked the Holy Spirit to guide my opening the Bible. This is what I opened to, 'And while his son was still a long way off, the Father saw him, took pity on him and ran to him, throwing his arms around him...'

This was a confirmation of the word given to me by a priest who prayed over me a few months ago and said that he felt like God the Father was saying to me, 'My son, my son, I love you. Trust in my love. Come close...'
I felt His forgiveness and tenderness and it has made the whole day lighter and easier. Thank you, Father. I know you want me to return to you often here."

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Why Do You Stand There Looking Up To The Sky?

June 5, 2011
Feast of the Ascension

"Jesus ascended into heaven so that He might descend into our hearts. What seems like a departure from us is really a deeper union with us. Our Lord could have done things differently. He could have stayed physically among us all these centuries, perhaps living in Jerusalem or Rome. Then each of us might, if we could afford it, be able to catch a glimpse of Him at least once in this lifetime, as some Catholics manage to see and hear the Pope on a trip to Rome or as fortunate Muslims succeed in making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lives. But God's plan was much deeper than that. He wanted to live with each of His Children and friends all the time wherever we are and in whatever circumstance. As He told His apostles at the Last Supper, "I will not leave you orphans. I will come to you. In a little while you will no longer see Me but you will see Me because I live and you will live. On that day, you will realize that I am in the Father and you are in Me & I am in you."(Jn. 14:18-20)

"We must be careful not to read the biblical symbolism as literal physical facts. Heaven is not up in the sky. Jesus didn't blast off like a rocket to some place in the stratosphere, some outpost in our solar system or galaxy. Jesus' Ascension is not a journey to another place but to another dimension of God's presence in this world. And He invites us to find Him there by prayer for the coming of the Holy Spirit. In today's first reading, two angels ask the apostles, "Why are standing there looking at the sky?" (Acts 1:10) Jesus tells them rather to go back to Jerusalem and "wait for the promise of the Father...for in a few days, you will be baptized in the Holy Spirit...then you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:4-8)

"The Ascension is the culmination of the Resurrection appearances of Jesus in which He is reassuring the apostles and us that 1) now, after His death, He is still alive 2) He is the same Jesus that we knew when He walked and talked and ate among us and 3) He lives now in a transcendent way, physical but omnipresent, unlimited by time and space, sharing in all God's qualities and powers but still retaining His humanity.

"The Ascension is also the beginning of Pentecost, the inflow of divine life into the mystical Body of Christ, the Church. Jesus, our "head", is in heaven and we, the "members of His body", are on earth but now heaven and earth are married, like the divine and human natures of Jesus reside in His one person. Not only is Jesus' humanity transfigured but so is ours. The Trinity now makes their home in us and through us is emanating throughout all creation.

"The Church is the place where heaven and earth are married and the two become one flesh. Her Eucharist, her members, her Scriptures, her corporal and spiritual works of mercy, her service, her moral life--all of this announces that God has won the victory in Christ, that the New Heaven and the New Earth have begun. (Rev 21:1). It is true that only the eyes of faith perceive the Kingdom of God; only the believer is filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. But we the Church now become the physical presence of Jesus in the world. It is through us and seeing our good works that the world will come to know and glorify the heavenly Father (Mt. 5:16) and be joined to Christ for salvation. Let us praise and thank the Trinity for this unspeakable intimacy today and forever!"

Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Prayer Before Confession

May 30, 1989
Petersham, MA

"I want , Lord, to consider my sinfulness. Please help me...
Bishop Sheen writes that a priest's life isn't judged by its duration but by its donation.

"Lord, I have such a hard time seeing sins that I have willed or areas of omission in my life. It seems I have my ego's throne well defended here with excuses, memory lapses, blindness, rationalizations. I am aware of my creaturely and fallen misery; my general sinfulness. But I need your help in finding out what you hold against me as in Rev  2:4.

"My mind feels lazy and unable to engage the gears of recollection ..But I know that this knowledge is important both for my reformation and guardedness as well as for my gratitude...
Do I sin by often looking at what I still lack instead of acknowleging all your blessings and gifts? Since this practice drains me of energy and joy, it makes it harder to affirm others, praise you, rise from my routine and torpor and act creatively and imaginatively in your service.

"Please give me wisdom to see how the world, the flesh and the devil entrap me! As I fast today and my body feels weak and frustrated , so I open my soul to you, God, in naked petition and desire. I believe that, even today, you are preparing a banquet before me in the sight of my foes, for me a sinner who doesn't deserve it!"