Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Sort of Sacrifice They Share Out of Love

Feast of the Triumph of the Cross
September 14, 1979

"Cross/Karam Festival today. A 3 hour affair, I was tired and hungry by Communion time. Having received the Eucharist, I reflected that it is the Lord who has asked me to be tired in fulfilling the duties and desire of obedience and love within the circumstances in which He has placed me. That is, getting up to pray this morning at 4:45, this long ceremony with my Adivasi brothers and sisters and Jesuits, not knowing the language are all expressions of our love, if I allow them to be.

"It's like if a dear friend wants to talk half the night or a husband and wife spend half the night loving each other, the tiredness the next day is sweet because it is part of, or an expression of, the friendship and love; a sort of a sacrifice they share out of love. Now the Lord has kept me up and tired me out. So I become happy and consoled when I realize this and share it with Him.

"The eyes without faith see this only has time lost and become impatient, self-pitying. But I see that all that happens is the Lord's meeting me, asking me to say 'Yes' to His mysterious love, even though I don't understand why that Love takes the form it does or where it is leading. My 'yes' echoes that of Abraham and Mary and all who have known His sweet secret love and design. And so rejoice to share this with You, my Everything, my Father, Son and Holy Spirit!"

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